Tuesday 1 January 2013

Papineau beginnings

Stories of the Papineau Family in the UK

Today is the perfect day to begin my PAPINEAU stories as it is my plan for the next three months to gather together the memorabilia and the people and the time lines and the details of my ancestors.

We know they are Huguenots and we know some went to Canada and we know my Nan was NATALIE PAPINEAU and married Norman Julian and lived in Wanstead, London.  She was a nervy woman of obviously high birth and instilled within her was the purpose to behave well within society.  She had three children:  Rossall, Alisa and Ronald.  My grandad came from Cork and I hold the truly caring love letters they sent during their courtship - sometimes the answers coming on the next post ( how did the PO manage that!).

I shall tell the story of the link with Serbia and why the girls along my line are called Natalie - Alisa Elizabeth Natalie, Julia Natalie, Rosa Natalie and Alice Natalie.  Martha = you will have to register yourself now! - and as for Ruby - well William, you have not been paying attention.  We should all be Natalie in memory of a fascinating Queen.

I want to find out whether we have links to Spitalfields in London and to determine once and for all whether we descended from the brother of the famous Papineau of the French Canadian Revolution.

My Uncle Ron was the spitting image of this revolutionary and my second cousin Richard looks nothing like them but lo!, his two boys do - and so you can see the family line quite clearly!

And so to begin the search and the restoration of the memorabilia to our relatives - to the brothers of my Nan and cheers to finding out what made us and where we all came from. 

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