Wednesday 9 January 2013

Natalie & Norman

Norman Milton & Natalie - He was a large gentle man and I believe she adored him - I have their early love letters - and it is some collection - all to be sorted one day and read. They look happy here.  They lived at 58 Dangan Rd in Wanstead; a small house where I am told they once had a maid/my Mother had her tonsils out on the tiny kitchen table and it is also I believe where she nursed her Dad Rossall and where he died.  My Uncle Ross lived in this house until his own death.  My Auntie Vera (Alice Kaye) lived here for a while when she worked in London and I had a tape of her and Natalie chatting in the kitchen ........
(This photo on horseback is Dunloe 21/7/1916) 
Natalie & Norman Julian

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