Saturday 5 January 2013

Visit To Montreal Appartment 2003

Eric McLean sent me to meet Jacqueline Westcott Papineau (Mary).  She was a steely woman who viewed me suspiciously despite my holding my Papineau bibles and memorabilia.  However, she did get her own huge Papineau bible and shared details but she did not recognise our line and said that the notes in the margins were by her husband who knew so much more and was now dead. He had notes on a Charles.  She then told me that she had gone back to France where the ancestors had lived and toured the area. 
My father lived in France and so we had much more to talk about now.  (I suspect many people may tell her they are relatives).  Her rooms were filled with lovely porcelain. As she went through louvered doors to get us coffees in the kitchen, they swung closed and my heart skipped a beat.  There, on the wall behind the door, was a painting of my Mother!  
Except apparently it was not - it was a family member from centuries ago and indeed she wore a slight thin bonnet in white - similar to the Amish style and I could see it was a delicate old picture.  What an incredible shock.

When I was back in England, I wrote again- but all my letters were returned unopened.

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