Saturday 8 December 2012

Inanimate Objects

They are just "things" - So why do they hold such facination?  In our massive consumer society, daily creating more trash, how come we love 'antique' 'vintage' 'junk' 'shabby chic'?  It has to be the emotional attachments - sparked by vision or touch to recreate a feeling or mood from our past.  The swish of my mother's 1950's petticoat across my cheek as I played on the floor as a child; the smell of a rose bringing back summer; the feel of gingham reminding me of schooldays and the smell of an autumn bonfire pulling me towards nature and the trees in the mist to the roads less travelled.
My interests do seem to draw me to the old rather than the new: I like to renovate old furniture, to keep my plants going year on year with loving care, mend that old blanket and those pillowcases. I believe it was because my parents lived through the war and it was make do and mend .  So I am keen on recycling too.  But I love the feel of hand-made pottery and smell of polished wood.  It grounds me.  I am so happy to see lovely old clothes live again in the best of fashionistas and selling on items for restoration and a new life. 

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