Sunday 31 March 2013


So many signs taken, they have to decide which way is reception!

Main Reception
The Final Clean

Doors to the Gallery - and maybe the secret swimming pool ........

The Lights Go Down On History

The Ghosts Live on Very Happily

The Last Poster left; Doctor Who - the missing one - the ghosts of the studios.


Our home for many years - A lovely party - thanks to the Club staff - loved the 1930's costumes!
Also well done to all the folk who are keeping TVC spick and span as it is slowly denuded.

There is also evidence of parties past:



March 2013 sees the closure of this iconic 1960's building in London - home to thousands of hours of television production. Here are some of my memories and photos I took during the closing week.
I worked there in the early 1970's - Off to work on the 267 bus in bare feet, mini skirt, false eylashes and little daisies painted along my cheek bone. My first day, I slamed the door on the Newsreader who joked,
"I am on in a minute and may need more makeup!"

I worked in News in the Stills Library and in  Picture Research and then in Comedy Department.  In those days, lovely Tea Ladies used to come round with trolleys of hot coffees AND hot doughnuts.  My boss took better shorthand than me and often went down the corridor to the loo - still dictating as I followed.

During my Comedy years, I was often sent down to the Top of The Pops studio and one afternoon, Paul MaCartney with Wings (and Linda) took over the rehearsal time to just make music and Errol Brown from Hot Chocolate and I danced along - he's lost his own time to rehearse.  

I watched once as Donny Osmond left in a large posh car and as they swung out of the front gates, a fan jumped on the roof as they sped up the road - luckily the driver suddenly realised.  Fans used to literally hang on the gates and rails for the pop stars. I loved watching Rod Stewart in his rehearsals. 

During the recording of the series Poldark, I used to read the book to the next part, see the recording and then read to the next bit.

In this exact spot, as I walked forward, a large green Doctor Who monster came out from the side corridor.  I screamed and turned right around - only to find a blue one behind me .........

In the famous canteen, we used to eat with actors in full make-up and if it was a hospital drama - this meant wounds and all......

During I Claudius, it was so hot that the actors took off their robes and sunbathed on the Club roof in their M&S undies.

My fun memories include getting trapped in the lift with Morecombe and Wise and them saying "Do not worry" and then launching in to the song "Bring Me Sunshine" and dancing too.  When we started again and got out, Eric said "You can dine out on that for years!"

Very happily, I once walked past Studio 1 and recognized a lovely sound - as I stood with my Tesco shopping bags, looking in, Eric Clapton played, practising for Jools H and I was his audience = bliss!

James Stewart visited me once - he wanted to see some old comedy shows to chose an actress for the stage version of Harvey.  He was every bit the movie star and came with a 'minder'.  He was pleased I knew so many of his movies (for a young British girl) and by the time he left, the reception balcony was full of admirers who heard he was in.

Our offices in the SPUR

The policy in Comedy was to cut a series at its peak - Fawlty Towers / Good Life etc. and these were brave decisions.

I remember John Sullivan coming in to suggest his series idea for Only Fools.  I met so many famous people - and really professional production staff. 


My First Office - Stills Department

How many frozen hours have been spent outside these doors by loyal audiences.